
Actual Dean

Thoughts and discoveries in technology


Deterministic simulation testing of event handlers (in Clojure)

There have been a few times recently where I've been reminded about the work foundationdb did on deterministic simulation testing . Honestly I was late to the party - I only watched this 2014 video last year when I started looking at foundationdb…


A few months ago I started on a project I called events unbundled . It's an experiment into how far we can really separate the core logic of a system from the infrastructure it lives in (its also a hat-tip to unbundling the database ). I take…


I recently listened to James Trunk on the Level-up engineering podcast talk about the decision principles he uses at Griffin, and I thought I'd reflect on my own. For reference, James' are: Fast feedback over silent failure Experiment over opinion…


I'm increasingly convinced that the ideal tool for developers and architects to use for written documentation, and even communication, is markdown, stored in git. What's wrong with sharepoint/confluence...? Every documentation repository I've worked…


Managing state is tough. Managing UI complexity is tough. Managing state in your app, on the Ethereum blockchain and handing the complexity of your UI is… tougher. There are a few front-end architectures that have demonstrated the power of a model…


Developing smart contracts on Ethereum is pretty new to me, so I was ecstatic when I found truffle, a smart contract and DApp development environment, written in javascript on node, a platform I’m pretty familiar with. Tim Coulter, Consensys and the…